
These 'green' wood chairs are made from ring porous hardwoods (oak, ash or hickory). The parts are strong yet they flex under load making them very comfortable. The chairs are finished with a wiping varnish.


Child’s chair

New! This Child’s chair is a scaled down version of the post and rung chair perfect for kids or grandkids. This seat is woven with a flat reed in a herringbone pattern. Chairs of this form start at $225.


Post and run chair

Currently I'm building ladder back chairs of this singular style inspired by chairmaker Jennie Alexander.  While the form remains the same, it can be customized to fit individuals. And there are many options for the seat as shown below. Chairs of this form start at $350.


pre-twisted natural rush seat

This seat is woven from pre-twisted natural rush. It is actual rush, not fiber rush (paper) or sea grass. It is a very attractive and durable material. The seat is finished in shellac.


shaker tape seat

This seat is woven from a cotton material called shaker tape. There are various colors and weaving patterns available. Shaker tape is a more expensive material than natural rush, but is much easier/faster to weave.


drying cattails for hand twisted chair seat

Hand-twisted cattails. This is the most labor intensive of all seating choices. The resulting seat is both beautiful and durable. Since this process is so time consuming, it is usually reserved for heirloom pieces.